New Update to Sync (I have no form of version control)

A new update to Sync has arrived! This now features a total of 152 levels, meaning another 62 levels have been added. This update introduces many new mechanics, and makes some minor adjustments. Here's a full list.

1. Mechanics

  • Added color switchers, which change the color of a robot as it passes through the tile.
  • Added direction switchers, which changes a robot from regular to reverse.
  • Added reverse purples (only makes sense when you have the direction switcher)
  • Added single-axis robots.
    • These can only move horizontally or can only move vertically. They can be red or blue, and there are reverses of each tile (e.g. when you press right they go left, but they still don't move vertically).
  • Added the axis switcher.
    • Changes the axis on which the single-axis robots can move.

2. Miscellaneous adjustments:

  • You can now use A and D to switch between levels in the level complete mode, thus adding a hotkey to go to the next level.
  • Green tiles are now just blue.

(also I was planning on adding an indication of what level you're on but I forgot and had already uploaded everything so sorry to the one who asked. I'll probably remember next update.)


sync Play in browser
Jun 22, 2018

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